Classic s’mores from Dandies vegan marshmallows.
STEPHANIE ZONIS is a Contributing Editor.
November 2007
Last Updated February 2017
Marshmallow Madness
Page 4: Marshmallow Recipe
This is Page 4 of a six-page overview of marshmallows. Click on the black links below to visit other pages.
Marshmallow Recipe
Marshmallows can be made at home, but they require some specialized equipment (such as a candy thermometer and a powerful stand mixer) and practice.
You must soak gelatin; boil together sugar, corn syrup, salt and water to a specific temperature; drizzle the hot liquid into the gelatin while mixing it; and whip the mixture at high speed.
At a certain point, you add flavoring and whip that in before pouring the marshmallow mixture into a prepared pan. It must then stand, uncovered, for at least seven or eight hours (sometimes much longer) before being turned out onto a surface dusted with a mixture of confectioners’ sugar and cornstarch.
The marshmallows are cut with a knife or kitchen shears, the blades of which must be kept oiled, then dusted with the sugar-cornstarch mix to prevent sticking.
Marshmallows take practice and patience, and they are messy. I also cannot get my homemade marshmallows to keep for as long as any that are commercially made, and experimenting with flavors can be time-consuming.
Just like fine chocolatiers, whatever the best artisan marshmallow-tiers (if we may coin a word) charge for their wares is worth it.
If you want to start, here’s a simple recipe.
S’mores Recipe: Baked In The Oven
You can enjoy s’mores indoors. No campfire is needed, just an oven.
- Thin chocolate bars
- Graham crackers
- Marshmallows
- Baking sheet and aluminum foil
Preparation |

So simple yet so good (photo courtesy Taste Of Home). |
- PREHEAT the oven to 300°F, and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, shiny side up.
BREAK a standard graham cracker board (e.g. Nabisco) in half for each s’more, break (the graham crackers I use measure just under 5" long by about 2-1/4" wide). Place one half (bottom side up, if you're a purist) on the lined cookie sheet. Place one large marshmallow in the center of the graham cracker half. If your marshmallow is really large, trim it to fit the graham cracker half. Kitchen shears work well here.) Have ready the other graham cracker half and a piece of a thin chocolate bar of your choice. You’ll want a piece almost large enough to cover the graham cracker half.
BAKE the graham cracker half with the marshmallow on it for 4 minutes, or until partially melted. IMPORTANT NOTE: artisanal marshmallows may need to heat for more or less time than is indicated here. Watch them carefully! You just want them hot enough to melt the chocolate.
REMOVE the cookie sheet from the oven. Immediately place the chocolate on top of the marshmallow.* Top with the other graham cracker half (bottom side down); then press down slightly to push the chocolate into the warm marshmallow.
LEAVE on the still-warm cookie sheet; allow to stand for a minute or two. Then eat immediately.
*TIP: You can also use one or two very small candy bars, placing them on the second graham cracker half. Place that half on the cookie sheet, too, and bake along with the marshmallow (and for the same length of time). When done, carefully put the two graham cracker halves together, marshmallow and candy bar sides in, and press gently. Let stand and consume as above.
For the chocolate: A peanut butter cup can be substituted for the chocolate, using the technique described above.
For the grahams: We love the Little Schoolboy (Petit Écolier) cookies from L.U. The chocolate bar is already embedded!

Here, Little Schoolboy cookies with chocolate tops substitute for the grahams, with a chocolate marshmallow in the middle (photo courtesy Plush Puffs). |
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