For National Egg Day on June 3, you can celebrate with beautiful quail eggs like these. Photo courtesy Geek Philosopher.
June 2005
Last Updated February 2025
June Food Holidays
Welcome Summer ~ And All These Food Holidays
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Although we’re not quite sure why National Turkey Lover’s Month is in June, we’re not complaining—we love turkey anytime.
In addition to celebrating a monthly or weekly holiday, each day of the month brings a new festivity:

Enjoy your favorite cheeses on National Cheese Day, June 4th. Above, delicious flavored Cheddars from Cabot Cheese. |

Celebrate National Lobster Day, June 15, the right way: pile some sevruga caviar onto a lobster tail. Photo courtesy of Caviar Russe. |

On National Almond Butter Crunch Day (June 29), treat yourself to one of the best: Enstrom’s.
*National Lobster Day was moved to September 25th in 2015 by an act of the U.S. Senate. The resolution was introduced by Maine Senators Susan Collins and Angus King, after no one could find any official approval of June 15th. However, the old National Lobster Day, June 15th, is still being widely celebrated today. Keep the old and the new, we say. Here’s more information.
**Bomb Pops are the red, white, and blue ice pops, formerly called Rocket Pops.
†Another National Doughnut Day is celebrated on November 5th. The June holiday was the first.
‡June 17th is National Root Beer Day. August 6th is National Root Beer Float Day.