
Make that everyday chocolate brownie sparkle with Somebody’s Mother’s White Chocolate Sauce. Photography by Corey Lugg | THE NIBBLE. Styling by Lauren LaPenna. |
WHAT IT IS: Small batch chocolate and caramel dessert sauces. |
WHY IT’S DIFFERENT: Made from pure “homemade” ingredients: just heavy cream, sugar, butter and, for the chocolate sauces, chocolate (of course!). |
WHY WE LOVE IT: It tastes as marvelous as our own homemade—maybe even better—and makes a great gift for demanding adults, as well as deserving young ‘uns. |
WHERE TO BUY IT: SomebodysMothers.com and fine retailers nationwide. |

Somebody’s Mother’s Chocolate Sauce & Caramel Sauce: Hitting The Mother Lode
CAPSULE REPORT: Somebody’s Mother’s makes terrific chocolate sauces. In this case, Somebody’s Mother[’s] is Lynn Lasher, who, with her three teenage children, now in college or just graduated, launched the company in 2005. The three flavors—Chocolate Sauce, White Chocolate Sauce and Caramel Sauce—couldn’t be better. Even people who don’t eat things out of jars may find themselves emptying the container with a spoon.
Often we are asked why one chocolate sauce, jam, et cetera is so much better than another. The answer starts with “better ingredients” and ends with the finesse with which one puts them together—the recipe proportions. Somebody’s Mother’s has achieved perfection here. Even if you think your own homemade chocolate sauce or caramel sauce is better, you probably won’t deny that these should be on the awards podium.
The ingredients are exactly the ones you’d use at home. The chocolate sauces use heavy cream, sugar, butter and chocolate; the caramel is heavy cream, sugar and butter only. There’s some Pear William in the White Chocolate Sauce, but the eau de vie (denoting a clear fruit brandy), while adding to the complexity, isn’t obvious—kids will like it, and the White Chocolate Sauce tastes like white chocolate custard. No complaints about that! Read the full review below and buy lots of this terrific, smartly-packaged dessert sauce—it makes a great, inexpensive gift, and you’re helping somebody’s mother pay college tuition for three kids.
THE NIBBLE does not sell the foods we review
or receive fees from manufacturers for recommending them.
Our recommendations are based purely on our opinion, after tasting thousands of products each year, that they represent the best in their respective categories. |
More Saucy Stuff
Robert Lambert Chocolate Sauces. This great food artisan is always cooking up something new in his line, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. Check out Robert Lambert. |
Chukar Cherry Toppings. For our money, the best cherry toppings out there, including sugar-free varieties. Check out Chukar Cherries for ice cream, cheesecake, pudding & more. |
The King’s Cupboard. Chocolate and caramel sauces in regular plus splendid flavors, plus an excellent sugar-free chocolate sauce. Certified kosher. Check out The King’s Cupboard. |
Somebody’s Mother’s Sauces: Hitting The Mother Lode
This is Page 1 of a two-page article. Click on the black links to visit other pages.
What’s the quickest way to turn an everyday dessert item—a brownie, scoop of ice cream, piece of apple pie, baked apple or poached pear—into a festive dessert? With a dessert sauce, chocolate and caramel being the most popular. Somebody’s Mother’s knows the transformational potential of a great sauce and has created three of them: the ever-popular Chocolate Sauce, runner-up Caramel Sauce, and a White Chocolate Sauce that should not be missed.
Before proceeding further, let us attempt to answer the burning question: What’s the difference between chocolate sauce and fudge sauce? Fudge sauce is typically described as “a thick chocolate sauce,” and hot fudge is “a thick chocolate sauce served hot” (but you saw that coming!). However, there are no set standards, and terminology varies from producer to producer. Reading labels and trying to decode if the addition of cocoa powder to the chocolate makes something “fudge sauce” instead of “chocolate sauce” is of no help. It’s a challenge to the buyer.

Somebody’s Mother’s chocolate sauce is deep, rich and divine.
But it’s no challenge to find a great chocolate sauce if you know where to look: starting here, with Somebody’s Mother’s, or other favorites in our Dessert Sauces Section. Continue to Page 2 for more about Somebody’s Mother’s mother lode of celestial chocolate sauce and charming caramel.
— Karen Hochman
Continue To Page 2: Dessert Sauces & Serving Suggestions
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